Partner Case Study
Bureau For Good
Stanford HAI
Stanford’s Institute for Human Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) is committed to the vision of steering AI toward improving the human condition. Each year they produce an annual report, detailing their progress over the course of the year.
Problems We Solved
HAI’s reports need to be lightweight and efficient packages with no CMS or database attached. We leverage the 11ty Static Site Generator to produce an optimized package that can be easily deployed on their internal hosting infrastructure.
Interactive Extras
We utilized GreenSock animation library for on-scroll animations and body color shifts, along with LottieJS for the line drawing accents for each hero section.
ImagineH2O is changing the way we solve water problems by helping entrepreneurs and startups from around the world tackle problems around clean water access.
Problems We Solved
Migrating from a SquareSpace site, IH2O needed a dynamic platform that allowed for highly modular layouts and functionality. We leveraged WordPress’ contemporary Block Editor (Gutenberg) to create a series of custom blocks that enabled the entire site to be generated dynamically. There are virtually no page templates and 95% of the pages are pieced together with these custom blocks.
Interactive Extras
A key component of this design was “duo-tone” background images that had to be generated in the browser, rather than through Photoshop. We leaned on CSS’ mix-blend-mode to allow the client to upload any imagery of their choice, and have the backgrounds always retain their blending effects. We added in some gentle and fluid animation to make sure everything flowed together.
Arts Ignite
Arts Ignite (formerly Astep) creates partnerships with schools and community organizations to help inspire the youth through creative discovery and artistic expression.
Problems We Solved
Arts Ignite was undergoing a huge rebranding, and having a big bold website was a key component to their next evolution. Since they were coming from a drag/drop page builder with their previous site, we aimed to give them a similar but more refined experience of dynamic page building by creating another custom deployment of the new Block Editor. You won’t find any page templates here!
Interactive Extras
This site was built to be as compliant with ADA/WCAG as the project scope and cost would accommodate, to ensure that all users are able to engage with Arts Ignite’s wonderful assistance.
Henry Street
Henry Street is a New York non-profit organization focused on creating opportunities for Lower East Side residents and other New Yorkers through social services, arts, and health care programs.
Interactive Extras
This single page static site incorporates full width/height videos and images transition the user from one section to the next